Friday, August 24, 2012

Big Brother Recap: Episode 19

A Week’s Worth of Big Brother in One Night

Boogie and Jenn are up for eviction and the Quack Pack has the majority of the votes to send Mike Boogie home. Last night’s episode gave us more than just an eviction though; there was an HoH competition, a nomination ceremony, a Veto competition, a Veto ceremony and finally a second eviction. With such an action packed night you know there is going to be a lot of drama in the house.

Julie Chen is back with a side pony, looking as fabulous as ever. She explains all of the fun the house guests will be in for and then gives us a little “will Jenn go nuts” (I’m paraphrasing) teaser.

The first scenes are of what happened after the Veto ceremony. Dan tried to shake Boogie’s hand only to receive a “Save it!” from Mike. Mike comes back in a diary room interview with, “He’s just trying to look like a nice guy, when in reality what he’s saying is ‘Gotcha sucka!’”

Jenn doesn’t realize they put her up against one of the strongest players in Big Brother history and starts to get all “fired up”. She should just sit back and watch everything pass her by let Boogie self-destruct.

Boogie and Frank talk about how much they hate Dan because he backstabbed them, and then Ian walks in. Ian makes another mistake by telling Boogie that it’s going to be a tough decision to choose between voting for him and voting for Jenn. We get another classic Boogie “What?” face and then Ian backtracks and tells Boogie he has his vote. (At this point the fact that Boogie still isn’t even suspicious of Ian makes me think he might be too old for this game.)

The house is eerily quiet until Boogie and Frank start going after Shane. They ask him a bunch of question about giving them the run around and then Boogie says “You’re just looking like Dan’s bitch right now.”

The three ladies (What, There are four women left are you sure?), Danielle, Britney and Ashley hear Boogie yelling at Shane and they are all disgusted. Ashley even whispers, so only the other two women can hear her, “That’s not right.” (You tell’em Ash.)

Meanwhile Boogie is still going after Shane “I can’t wait ‘til you get done wrong.” After good couple minutes of Shane bashing Boogie and Frank turn their attention to Dan. Boogie looks at Frank while motioning to Dan “He’s ****ing good.” Boogie and Frank (and Ian although he doesn’t say anything) sit around Dan while he’s reading the Bible and start to talk about him like he’s not even there. Boogie goes as far as to say to Dan, “Don’t do wrong by Ian.” I can’t believe Boogie is still oblivious to what Ian has done.

Back on the Live Eviction show J-Chen lets the house guests know that it will be a double eviction night and that the second person evicted will become the first member of the jury. Before the players vote she lets Jenn and Boogie do their little speeches. Jenn is super nice to everyone, letting them know that if “got a little hot in the streets” for her this week and that she was asking for pity, she was just asking for you to vote to “keep the loyal, trustworthy homie Jenn ‘City’.” Boogie takes a different approach. He thanks his business partner, says hi to his son and decides, because he thinks he needs one vote to stay, he campaigns directly to Joe. It’s a little pathetic but I guess you do what you have to do to stay in the house.

Boogie does not get to stay in the house. The votes go five to two to evict Mike Boogie. Mike is extremely humble on his way out and gives everyone a hug. That’s certainly a contrast from how he was acting towards Shane and Dan the other day. On his way to the door Ian grabs him and whispers in his ear, “You might see some things you don’t like but remember I respect you in every sense of the word.” Boogie just realizes that Ian has backstabbed him and on his way out tells Frank that Ian can’t be trusted and then asks Ian “What happened dog?” adding at the end “Not cool buddy, not cool.”

When Boogie got outside first thing he did was Tebow.  When he sat down to talk to Julie he was super humble. He laughed when Brit made fun of ChillTowns Phone gag in the diary room and after hearing Ian’s farewell message actually applauded and took his hat off in a symbol of praise of Ian’s game play. Here’s what Ian said.

Ian: I’ve watched you on this show since I was ten and I have nothing but admiration and respect for how you play this game. Now for the hard part, since the reset I’ve been in an alliance called the Quack Pack with Dan, Danielle, Britney and Shane. I’m the one that told Britney and Shane you were coming after them. This week masterminded your demise. I learned from one of the best and that is why you’re sitting with Julie right now. I’m really sorry.

(Side Note: Although Ian helped make the big move that sent Boogie out the door I would still not put him on the evil team of a Big Brother Good vs. Evil edition. The whole time he was playing Mike he felt really bad about it and “evil” players don’t feel bad about their moves. He also is nowhere near list of best all-time Big Brother players. His social game is weak, he can barely win challenges and he may have just gone from having a strong three person alliance where he is the third man out to being the fifth man out of an alliance that could separate at any time. I think that was a bad move.)

The live double eviction night continues with the Head of Household competition. The competition is called Before or After. Julie Chen will read out an event that has happened in the Big Brother house and the houseguests will have to determine if that took place before or after a second event that Julie reads out. If you answer incorrectly you are eliminated. When there are two people left it becomes a game of who can guess the number, closest wins HoH.

HoH Competition Quick Notes:

·         Ashley gets the first question wrong. The live crowd laughs.
·         Joe, Jenn and Dan all get the second question wrong. Dan almost got the first one wrong too. Did he decide to throw this competition?
·         Frank switches his answer from the right one to the wrong one right before Julie lets them know that Frank is the only who got it wrong.
·         Britney get knocked out.
·         Dan is super pumped Frank is not HoH.
·         Ian and Danielle are in the guess the number part of the competition. The question is “How many seconds did it take for the lime team to win the “Ex-squeeze Me” competition from the start horn to the finishing bell?” The answer is 419 seconds which means Ian wins HoH.

Since Ian is HoH during the double eviction night he has to hurry to make deals and plan out whom to nominate with the Quack Pack. We get to see a little back room dealing when we catch Ian barking at Joe “[I]f it ain’t them two you’re going up with Shane. You know that? You give me a week!” Ian has had the power for 5 minutes and it’s already going to his head.

The live nomination ceremony is a little surprising as Ian nominates Frank (not surprising) and Ashley (really surprising). He says “I hate to do this; it’s just things that were said after that eviction that got my heart racing.” Then when he nominates Ashley all he does is say “I’m really sorry” over and over a couple of times.

Back to the double eviction action with the Veto competition, there is so much stuff going on that they had to pick players during the commercial. Ian, Frank, Ash, Danielle, Joe and Shane are the players and since it’s live the CHENBOT is hosting.

The Veto competition is called “Somewhere over the Veto”. Each player is in their own lane with their own ball pit at the end of it. When Julie says go the contestants will run and jump into their ball pit to retrieve two four leaf clovers and then bring them back to their starting point. When they have both four leaf clovers the need to run and get the giant (fake) Veto and bring it back to the start. The first on to do that wins HoH. Then Julie Chen drops the big twist of the game, you can only bring one four leaf clover back at a time.

Veto Competition Quick Notes:

·         Ian is the first one with a clover. The live audience cheers.
·         Frank and Joe find their first clovers.
·         Then Danielle and Shane find their clovers.
·         Frank finds his second clover.
·         Frank wins the Power of Veto. The live audience goes nuts.

Quickly after the competition, while trying to catch his breath, Frank tells Shane and Britney that he still has their backs if they want to team up. He insists that he is going after Dan this week if he wins HoH.

Frank uses the Veto and takes himself off the block only to have Ian replace him with Joe, the extremely loud chef.

Before the second eviction the scenario is Ashley and Joe is on the block. Ashley sided with Janelle, Wil and Boogie against the Quack Pack and Joe promised Ian a week of safety. (Wouldn’t you want to make a deal with someone who is likely to win a competition?)

Before the houseguests vote, Julie gives the nominees a chance for one final speech. Ashley rambles on so long that Julie actually has to cut her off, I was thankful she did to all Ashley was doing was feeling bad for herself it was sad. Joe stood up and made his best speech of the season. He motioned, using only his hands that he loved everyone, that Ashley should go and that he should stay. (He didn’t say a word. It was amazing.) I guess that was enough because with a vote of five to one Ashley was sent packing.

Know that there are only eight people left the Quack Pack seems to be in charge. They have Joe on their side as well so the control 75% of the votes. That doesn’t look good for Frank. All Frank can do is to continue winning challenges and in a week or two the Quack Pack will have to start going after its own members.

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